About Me

Our personal blog http://eldonandbecky.blogspot.com/ focuses primarily on our family and ministry. The Lord has blessed us with an incredible family and we appreciate many who have been a part of our pilgrimage. Our ministry blog focuses on issues related to our ministry http://globalizationofmissions.blogspot.com/ We understand our mission to be "facilitating efective missions in the global paradigm".


Eva is in her second of four years of nursing school at Charleston Southern University.  She works hard at school and has never questioned her decision to enter this field.  She does wonder if she might find it easier to care for people's health needs outside of the litigation controlled North American health care environment.  Two summers ago she volunteered at the pediatric burn center at the public hospital in Cochabamba, Bolivia and this year she is hoping to accompany a medical doctor who provides primary health care in a rural environment in Latin America.